Senior Digital Content Manager

Päivitetty: Validointi: Perttu Tolvanen

Yritys: Nordea

Paikkakunta: Helsinki

Palkkataso: Riippuu hakijasta

Tyyppi: Digipalvelun kehityksen johtaminen (esim. tuoteomistajana tai projektipäällikkönä), Verkkoviestintä ja sisällöntuotanto

Viim. hakupäivä: 8.3.2024 Haku on päättynyt

Would you like to be a part of an exciting digital business area where we serve and advise our business customers, nurturing the customer relationship and delivering growth for Business Banking? We are now looking for an experienced Senior Digital Content Manager to co-ordinate high-quality engagement with our Business Banking customers in digital channels across Nordics. This position provides an opportunity boost customer satisfaction and increase the share of digital sales by working with compelling content that leads to great customer experience. This role reports to Nordic Head of Development and Capabilities in Digital Sales & Engagement unit.

We have an omnichannel strategy, where our customers engage with us in the way they prefer, either with an advisor or digitally, or both. The Digital Sales & Engagement unit drives and continuously optimizes the digital channels to engage with potential and existing customers, with the aim to drive sales and increase customer satisfaction. Our playing field covers the full customer lifecycle, from acquiring new customers and onboarding to customer care and churn prevention.

About this opportunity

Welcome to Digital Sales & Engagement in Business Banking, a strong team responsible for engaging with our business customers across the digital customer journey. Our objective is to increase customer satisfaction with high quality digital engagement and to increase the share of digital sales. Our ambition is to deliver great customer experiences by creating seamless and personalized customer journeys that enable our customers to run their business successfully.

What you’ll be doing:

– Drive content strategy on Nordic level omni-channel, and lead the project around content strategy for Business Banking customers
– Drive SEO development and roadmap
– Collaborate and support the country units in customer journey building and optimising
– Drive group wide content related matters in Business Banking
– Collaborate with development hubs in Nordea Business Product store and Nordea open pages related matters

The role is based in any of the Nordic capitols; Helsinki, Copenhagen, Oslo or Stockholm.

Who you are

Collaboration. Ownership. Passion. Courage. These are the values that guide us in being at our best – and that we imagine you share with us.

To succeed in this role, we believe that you:

– Live and breathe digital content, have solid experience in SEO and content strategy work
– Understand how technology enables great content and know how to bring that insight to technical teams
– Understand the crucial role content plays in customer journeys and customer experience
– Love working with other teams in order to create valuable content and this include key stakeholder management skills
– Keep yourself updated of market movements from marketing, technology, customer sentiment and the competitive landscape to continuously stay relevant
– Are a service minded person open to help where needed

Your experience and background:

– You have created e-commerce and digital customer relationship content that lead to sales results and high quality customer engagement
– You have a strong background in SEO and how this will affect the content that you create
– You have experience on content strategy work and customer journeys
– Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in a relevant field
– Fluent in both written and spoken in English (professional level), one or more Nordic languages is a plus
– Experience from content management systems and related tools
– Experience of corporate customers and knowledge on products and services from the finance industry is a plus

If this sounds like you, get in touch!

Next steps

Submit your application no later than 08/03/2024. Please notice that we might start interviews already during the application period. For more information about the position, please contact: Krista Korelin, Head of Digital Sales and Engagement, in Business Banking +358 50 4840654 or

At Nordea, we know that an inclusive workplace is a sustainable workplace. We deeply believe that our diverse backgrounds, experiences, characteristics and traits make us better at serving customers and communities. So please come as you are.

Please be aware that any applications or CVs coming through email or direct messages will not be accepted or considered.


Julkaistu vuodesta 2006. Vierityspalkki on blogi kotimaisen internet-alan trendeistä, teknologioista ja alan toimistoista. Seuraa, niin tiedät miten ja kenen toimesta syntyvät parhaat verkkopalvelut, verkkokaupat ja räätälöidyt web-sovellukset.
Lisätietoa blogista ja sen lukijoista.

  • 1100+ asiantuntija-artikkelia.

    Toimitettua asiasisältöä kattavasti teknologioista ja web-alan ilmiöistä. Vierityspalkki nostaa esiin alan puheenaiheita ja tuoretta tutkimustietoa, osallistuu keskusteluun sekä haastattelee alan asiantuntijoita ja toimistoja.

    Kaikki artikkelit

  • 1300+ digipalvelun referenssicasea.

    Julkaisut-palsta tarjoaa näkyvyyttä kiinnostaville uusille verkkopalveluille ja web-sovelluksille, ja antaa asiakkaille mahdollisuuden arvioida eri toimistojen osaamista.

    Selaa toimistojen julkaisuja

  • 1000+ aktiivista lukijaa blogin kuukausikirjeellä.

    Kerran kuukaudessa ilmestyvä kuukausikirje koostaa julkaistut artikkelit, uudet julkaisut, avoimet työpaikat ja ajankohtaiset linkkivinkit.

    Tilaa uutiskirje

  • 31 kokenutta digitoimistoa

    on päässyt aina ajantasaiselle Toimistot-listalle. Lista on auttanut asiakkaita löytämään kokeneita digitoimistokumppaneita jo usean vuoden ajan. Lista keskittyy WordPress-osaajiin ja räätälöityjen web-sovellusten tekijöihin.

    Selaa Toimistot-listaa

Tilaa kuukausikirje

Kerran kuukaudessa ilmestyvä uutiskirje koostaa artikkelit, julkaisut, työpaikat ja linkkivinkit. Kirjeellä on jo yli 1000 tilaajaa.
Huom. Sähköpostiosoitettasi ei luovuteta eteenpäin, eikä käytetä mihinkään muuhun tarkoitukseen – ihan oikeasti.

Siirry takaisin sivun alkuun