UX Designer

Päivitetty: Validointi: Perttu Tolvanen

Yritys: AutoVex

Paikkakunta: Helsinki

Palkkataso: Riippuu hakijasta

Tyyppi: Käyttöliittymäsuunnittelu ja -testaus

Viim. hakupäivä: 29.2.2024 Haku on päättynyt

AutoVex is revolutionizing the used car market by offering car dealers a modern and efficient, digital purchasing platform whilst simultaneously offering consumers an effortless way to sell their car for the best possible price. We’re pioneers in our field and the largest player in Finland. We just launched our service in Sweden with Wheelaway as our brand, and with the support of our majority owner Schibsted, we’re on our way to revolutionise the car market in the Nordics and Europe.

Workplace and culture

We’re a team of self-driven, people-centered individuals with a hunger for growth. We always put our users first and transparency is in our core. Since life is all about balance, besides putting our hearts into changing the used car market, we love to get together, celebrate and have fun in different shapes and forms. We offer a workplace where you can challenge yourself professionally, learn and develop, and most importantly, have a real impact on the direction of our company. We know that work is not everything, but life is a lot more fun if you like your job and your company so that is what we offer!
Our team is constantly growing, which is why we’re always on the lookout for kind, driven teammates.

A love for dogs is always a plus

What are we looking for?

We’re now looking for a UX Designer who will work side by side with our Product Manager and Tech team to help us develop our product to be the best possible C2B platform in the world. The service is two-sided, which means you’ll be working on both consumers and car dealers interface of the product and really be able to improve and develop how one affects the other. Our product is in great shape but there’s of course always a lot to improve and as our UX Designer you’d have the possibility to create a lot of impactful improvements and have ownership on the UX design. We’d like you to utilize your expertise and find/create the right design solutions that will make our users love our product even more than before. The role is quite independent and really hands on with a lot of great challenges. But don’t you worry, we are big believers in teamwork, that makes the dream work!

UX Designer Responsibilities:
– Collaborate with cross-functional teams, including developers, product manager, and stakeholders, to translate concepts into intuitive and engaging user interfaces
– Conduct user research and usability testing to inform design decisions and enhance the overall user experience
– Create wireframes, user flows, and interactive prototypes to effectively communicate design concepts
– Work closely with developers to ensure the seamless implementation of designs, providing guidance throughout the development process
– Continuously iterate on designs based on user feedback, data analysis, and evolving project requirements
– Maintain and contribute to the development of design systems and brand guidelines for consistent user experiences across our platforms
– Stay updated on industry trends, emerging technologies, and design best practices to bring innovative solutions to the team

You will succeed in this role if you have the following experience:
– Around 5 years of experience in UX design (interaction design), preferably with experience in product in-house roles and consulting
– Strong design portfolio that showcases design thinking, problem-solving skills, and ability to deliver high-quality design solutions and specifications
– Experience using various user research methods, such as interviews, surveys, and usability testing
– Expertise in UX design tools such as Figma and other up to date design related tools
– Strong communication in English (Finnish is considered a big plus), and collaboration skills with being able to empathize with customers and business
– You’re not afraid of challenges and you like to get your hands dirty. In return we offer you professional growth and a fun place to work.

What we offer:
– We’re offering a key role in a growing scaleup, with great potential. Here’s some statistics: Founded in 2018, in the beginning of 2022 we were 7 people with 1 Million revenue, now after two years we’re 30 people in two countries and the growth in both revenue and cars sold has been consistently exponential. Not too bad right? With the support of Schibsted, who jumped with us on our rocketship at the end of 2022 (Schibsted is the biggest media group and family of digital brands in the Nordics), we will have a huge market advantage in the Nordics.

Besides an interesting role and an exciting journey we offer:
– Opportunity to take big leaps in your career
– A competitive salary
– Positive and energetic culture
– Startup mentality in a secure company

Perks and benefits:
– Free beverages
️- Central Helsinki office
– Great colleagues
– Remote work allowed
– Skill development
‍- Frequent company activities


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