Web Architect

Päivitetty: Validointi: Perttu Tolvanen

Yritys: M-Files

Paikkakunta: Tampere

Palkkataso: Riippuu hakijasta

Tyyppi: Ohjelmistokehitys - back end, Ohjelmistokehitys - front end

Viim. hakupäivä: 29.2.2024 Haku on päättynyt

Join our Product Development team as a Web Architect, playing a vital role in steering us through strategic and sustainable technological choices as we lay the groundwork for our future. Your influence will be pivotal in establishing business-critical capabilities within our product.

At M-Files, we take pride in our products and global success. Evolving from a local on-premise solution provider to a global SaaS powerhouse, we achieved a 100MEUR ARR milestone last year. Our appetite for growth is relentless, and we invite you to be a vital part of our team to turn that hunger into reality.

Your Role

We need your expertise to ensure our web application meets future business requirements and to align implementation methods across the development teams. Technologies like JavaScript, TypeScript, and React are at the core of our day-to-day operations, with flexibility to incorporate other suitable technologies as needed. As a member of our architecture office, you’ll be part of a team surrounded by highly talented individuals, fostering an environment that supports your success in this role.

Are You the One?

We are in search of a seasoned professional with a robust background in web application development, adept at delivering modern web systems. In addition to demonstrating programming excellence, we value leadership in making strategic technological choices and a willingness to mentor and support your peers.

To Excel in This Role, You Should:

– Demonstrate a strong background in developing modern web solutions using JS, TS, React, Sass, Node.js, or similar technologies.

– Exhibit proficiency in architecting solutions based on principles, patterns, and architectural concerns.

– Possess a strong advisory and customer-oriented focus, facilitating architectural discussions.

– Show self-driven initiative and a constant pursuit of new opportunities to add value.

– Have full professional proficiency in English.

– Be located in Finland, preferably in Tampere.

About Us

M-Files utilizes artificial intelligence to automate, simplify, and assist users in their interactions with information. Beyond our document management system, M-Files integrates with network drives, Microsoft, Google apps, major business applications, and other document management systems.

We offer a flexible work environment that supports remote work, understanding your lifestyle. While we encourage the convenience of remote work, we also value the collaborative atmosphere of our new head office in Tampere. Occasional in-person visits are appreciated for team synergy. We provide the opportunity for extended remote work, allowing up to two months of full remote periods (work from anywhere) per year. Picture yourself working from the scenic mountains of Norway in March or the sunny beaches of Spain in November.

We are dedicated to fostering an excellent learning environment, reflected in our commitment to professional skill development. With MyTime, a unique benefit, allocate 20% of your working time to projects contributing to the company’s success. This is a momentous time to join M-Files and contribute to our exciting journey of growth.

Want to Know More or Join Us?

We aim to be one of the world’s leading SaaS technology companies within five years. Every new employee receives options, ensuring they share in our success. Our experts have long, fulfilling careers with us, finding it a great place to work.

Be part of our success story by applying with your CV no later than February 29th, 2024. The position will be filled as soon as we find the right candidate, and we are reviewing applications on an ongoing basis.

For any questions, feel free to contact Senior Director Jarkko Rouvinen at jarkko.rouvinen@m-files.com.


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