Web Analytics Specialist

Päivitetty: Validointi: Perttu Tolvanen

Yritys: Wunder

Paikkakunta: Helsinki

Palkkataso: Riippuu hakijasta

Tyyppi: Web-ja data-analytiikka

Viim. hakupäivä: 31.8.2022 Haku on päättynyt

Does data make you smile? Or does it help you comprehend the big picture better? Hopefully both! We have a free seat for a Web Analytics Specialist in our Wunderwagon, so check this ad out and analyze if we could be a match!

This is not the first job ad you see, but we sincerely hope you would read this one – not only will you find out a lot about Wunder as a company, but at the end of this advert, there is an offer for you that includes coffee, snacks, and an office tour.

And to be honest, this advert can de facto change the course of your career.

At Wunder you work for us and with us: our teams are in clients’ development projects – we do not rent you to another company.

“Work from where you want and when you want” is one of our mottos. We encourage people in multiple ways to make the most of our flexible work terms in order to maintain optimal work/free time -balance. But our offices in Helsinki, Turku, Tallinn, Riga and Valmiera are pretty awesome too – so you truly can choose whatever suits you best. A combination of Wunder’s office and the home office is now the most common way to work for the majority of us. What is your favorite currently?

The Web Analytics Specialist of our dreams would be:
– A professional with relevant experience in the vast area of Web Analytics
– Equipped with Data Engineering skills and experience with Google Tag Manager and Google Analytics for setting up Web Analytics systems
– Excited to share their knowledge of Web Analytics with clients by consulting and training to support the clients business and enable them to work independently with their data
– Getting kicks from assisting the clients in defining their goals and designing the measures of success
– Responsible team player and strong communicator
– Able to communicate fluently in both English and having full professional language proficiency in Finnish

In this position experience with Matomo Tag Manager and Matomo Analytics, Data Visualization (with tools like Google Data Studio), technical SEO, A/B testing, or GDPR & local cookie regulation would be like a cherry on the top.

Your skillset is important to us. But at Wunder, the skillset is only one thing; your mindset, values, and personality matter greatly too.

Salary and Benefits in Finland*
– OK+ level salary (compared to the industry average in Finland) based on Wunder’s Salary Model
– Wunder bonus: based on the company’s profitability
– Birthday bonus
– WunderHugs
– Recruiting bonus
– Commuting benefit
– Home Internet Awaits!
– Lunch Card
– Recreational money
– Snacks at the office and time to time sent to home offices as well
– Sports Club
*We have the same salary model in all our countries, but the average salary and some of the perks and bonuses are country-specific.

The ways we support Wunderers’ development and growth

– As a Wunderer guild lead will have growth discussions with you, and you will agree on what resources you need adapting to your way of learning.
– You will belong to Creatives guild, where you share knowledge and get support.
– 360-degree feedback annually, to understand your strengths and keep progressing in your career.
– Find new responsibilities & challenges with our resourcing team.
– Visit events and conferences to learn about the industry

Wunderers get:

– To execute the work in one’s own way while your account manager, project manager, co-workers, and guild members answer your questions and support you for a smooth project experience so you can do the best job.
– To share knowledge and support in problem-solving within your guild.
– The freedom to be who they are and to grow into what they dream of being.

Keep on reading! Your coffee, snacks, and office tour are waiting for you!

We would love to invite you to come to visit any of our offices – to meet our Wunderers, to talk some web analytics, get a cup of coffee or bottle of soda, rank our snack selection and get a tour at our office. Book your personal office tour by sending a message to: joinus@wunder.io

If you are already impressed enough to send us an application! Feel free to send it via email to joinus@wunder.io

Include the following in your message:

– Preferred subject: Web Analytics Specialist
– Freeform application, including:
– When you would be available
– CV
– Salary expectation

Our recruitment process is as follows:

– Application & Review
– A cultural interview where we talk about what kind of company you want to work for
– A technical interview with your possible Wunder colleague, with the similar position you are now applying to
– Final interview

Our recruitment process is confidential and discreet.
All interviews will currently be held in Zoom.

For further information, please contact: aleksi.johansson@wunder.io


Julkaistu vuodesta 2006. Vierityspalkki on blogi kotimaisen internet-alan trendeistä, teknologioista ja alan toimistoista. Seuraa, niin tiedät miten ja kenen toimesta syntyvät parhaat verkkopalvelut, verkkokaupat ja räätälöidyt web-sovellukset.
Lisätietoa blogista ja sen kävijöistä

  • 1140+ asiantuntija-artikkelia.

    Toimitettua asiasisältöä kattavasti teknologioista ja web-alan ilmiöistä. Vierityspalkki nostaa esiin alan puheenaiheita ja tuoretta tutkimustietoa, osallistuu keskusteluun sekä haastattelee alan asiantuntijoita ja toimistoja.

  • 1300+ digipalvelun referenssicasea.

    Julkaisut-palsta tarjoaa näkyvyyttä kiinnostaville uusille verkkopalveluille ja web-sovelluksille, ja antaa asiakkaille mahdollisuuden arvioida eri toimistojen osaamista.

  • 1000+ aktiivista lukijaa blogin kuukausikirjeellä.

    Kerran kuukaudessa ilmestyvä kuukausikirje koostaa julkaistut artikkelit, uudet julkaisut, avoimet työpaikat ja ajankohtaiset linkkivinkit.

  • 29 kokenutta digitoimistoa

    on päässyt aina ajantasaiselle Toimistot-listalle. Lista on auttanut asiakkaita löytämään kokeneita digitoimistokumppaneita jo usean vuoden ajan. Lista keskittyy WordPress-osaajiin ja räätälöityjen web-sovellusten tekijöihin.

Tilaa kuukausikirje

Kerran kuukaudessa ilmestyvä uutiskirje koostaa artikkelit, julkaisut, työpaikat ja linkkivinkit. Kirjeellä on jo yli 1000 tilaajaa.
Huom. Sähköpostiosoitettasi ei luovuteta eteenpäin, eikä käytetä mihinkään muuhun tarkoitukseen.

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