Software Developer,

Päivitetty: Validointi: Perttu Tolvanen

Yritys: Finnair

Paikkakunta: Helsinki

Palkkataso: Riippuu hakijasta

Tyyppi: Ohjelmistokehitys - back end, Ohjelmistokehitys - front end

Viim. hakupäivä: 15.3.2024 Haku on päättynyt

Our traffic is picking up and we want to significantly invest in digital services to support our growth and better customer experience. To enable this, we are looking for multiple, skilled Senior Software Developers to join the team responsible for, loyalty, our booking engine and other digital customer services.

About our team: team includes a total of 40+ members, who are working together in 5 cross-functional sub-teams. At the moment, we have 9 designers and 23 developers, supported by coach, data scientists, content creation and quality assurance. The team is part of Commerce and CX Solutions unit with a growing unit of 80+ people, who own and are fully responsible for developing Finnair’s digital platform and our digital customer experience. This talented team is proudly working on the biggest ecommerce platform in Finland with millions of visitors on a monthly basis.

Ways of working: Our environment is start-up like, dynamic and development-oriented and our work roughly follows Scrum, in two-week sprints. From the business-side we are closely working together with a Product Owners as well as with various individuals from direct business to customer experience.

We also have cross-product co-operation with other software development teams such as payments, Finnair mobile app as well as and Aurinkomatkat mobile app and IFEC (In-flight Entertainment) teams. We strive constantly to be more data-driven and customer oriented in our goal setting, product design and customer impact assessment. We approach solutions experimentally and evaluate the impact routinely with quantitative metrics supported by A/B testing combined with qualitative insights from research activities.

Technical stack:
– Frontend: Angular 15, TypeScript/JavaScript, HTML5, CSS3, SaSS
– Backend: AWS, Micro-services, Docker, Node.js, serverless, TypeScript, Java, Spring
– CI/CD and test automation: CodeBuild & CodePipeline, Playwright, Junit, Jest

Things that we are especially proud and excited about:
– Getting to create the biggest e-commerce service platform in Finland
– Possibility to have an impact over the product roadmap and choose our own tools
– Chance to work with aviation industry experts
– Shared eagerness to develop our ways of working
– Flat organization – possibility to get heard and impact how our products work
– Company-wide growth mindset

In order to succeed in this role, we expect you to have at least 8 years of experience with an excellent grip of relevant modern programming techniques ideally with a high-quality product. Plus, having a huge passion in improving digital solutions, software engineering processes, and activities. In addition to this, you are interested in working in an agile team that is fully responsible for creating and operating well-designed and lovable digital experiences for our customers. We are very much interested in welcoming you to the team, if you are either already skilled in working full-stack or strong on the frontend side but having the interest towards learning backend work in the future.

If you are ready for the challenge and want to join our team, please submit your application along with your CV and salary expectation no later than on 15.3.2024

Our recruitment process:

29 January 2024 – 15 March 2024 is the application period. We can be in touch by email if there is a need to clarify the information provided in the application. Please contact Selina Liaw, our Talent Acquisition Consultant at

We will review candidates continually during the application period. Candidates that are selected will undergo the following interview process:
– Screening Interview: Role competencies screening to get to know you better.
– First Interview: To discuss about the role and get to know you better.
– Technical Interview: Meeting with potential team members and a technical interview
– Final Interview

If you wish, you are welcome to attach a Github link to your application.


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