Senior UX Designer

Päivitetty: Validointi: Perttu Tolvanen

Yritys: Bolt.Works

Paikkakunta: Helsinki

Palkkataso: Yli 5 000 € / kk

Tyyppi: Käyttöliittymäsuunnittelu ja -testaus

Viim. hakupäivä: 31.3.2023 Haku on päättynyt

Bolt.Works is a technology company that offers staffing services. We employ over 3500 people in different business sectors, such as restaurant, logistics and construction. We are the fastest organically growing company in our field, our revenue grew to 104 M€ in 2022. Such growth is enabled by our unique platform connecting our customers, workers, sales, and recruiting. Our platform automates everything regarding employment: from matching jobs and people to invoicing and paying salaries.

We are looking for an experienced UX Designer wanting to work from problem to pixel – from product discovery and decisions to finalised designs. The position will be very demanding, but we don’t expect you to be a unicorn. We value you having expertise in most of the following things:

1) Broad design skillset, from visual design to strategic service design

You will be working through the whole spectrum of design, emphasis being in UX&UI design. Together with the users and other stakeholders, we are reshaping the whole company. Thus, our work is not limited to product design and development. We use Figma for design and Miro for facilitation, process modelling and information gathering.

2) Design, product, change or any other flavor of leadership

You will have an important role in developing our design maturity and design system. Furthermore, our team has a crucial role in developing our business and leading co-development within the company. Thus, we expect you to take a lot of initiatives and leadership in your role.

3) Designing and conducting qualitative or quantitative user research, experiments, and other product discovery activities

We don’t guess what our users need and what are their pain points. We find out.

To make this list less intimidating: No one alone should have to excel at all the things above, and thus, we don’t expect that from you either. But as a TEAM we must excel at them. And we expect that you can help us with that.

Why join us?

– You’ll work as a part of a highly skilled product team that collaborates daily
– You’ll have a lot of autonomy and say on what we do and how we do it
– Your work will directly impact the daily lives of thousands of Bolt.Works employees and customers.
– Bolt.Works is a quickly growing company that is going abroad, and you’ll get a chance to grow with it
– Our work culture is flexible, relaxed and low-hierarchical

Salary, benefits and location

– Salary 4000-6000euros per month depending on your skill level and experience
– We have 22 offices covering most of Finland and our main office is in Helsinki
– We have a hybrid work model: we expect you to work at our Helsinki office once a week but otherwise you can choose to work remote or at another office
– We have great insurance, both on and off work as well as comprehensive healthcare benefits
– Cultural and exercise benefits
– Work bicycle benefit
– Interesting events for the whole company
– Opportunity to invest in the company

If what you have read makes you excited, you might just be our new teammate and a valuable addition to the whole company.

Interview process:
– Phone screening (15–30 min)
– Round 1 interview: soft skills, cultural add & fit, competence add & fit (1.5–2 h)
– Round 2 interview: hard design skills (1.5–2.5 h)

We will interview candidates as they come, so be fast and drop your application, CV and portfolio as soon as possible.

Juho Salmi
Product Manager, Bolt.Works
+358 40 537 7012


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  • 29 kokenutta digitoimistoa

    on päässyt aina ajantasaiselle Toimistot-listalle. Lista on auttanut asiakkaita löytämään kokeneita digitoimistokumppaneita jo usean vuoden ajan. Lista keskittyy WordPress-osaajiin ja räätälöityjen web-sovellusten tekijöihin.

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