Senior Software Developer, mobile app

Päivitetty: Validointi: Perttu Tolvanen

Yritys: Neste

Paikkakunta: Espoo

Palkkataso: Riippuu hakijasta

Tyyppi: Ohjelmistokehitys - back end

Viim. hakupäivä: 18.6.2024 Haku on päättynyt

Senior Software Developer to join our Mobile App & EV Charging team in Espoo.

The team is responsible for the development of the Neste App as well as the technical backbone of our quickly growing EV charging network in Finland, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. The Neste app is used by drivers all over the region for fueling, car wash and EV charging.

This team is a part of the larger Digitalization team which develops digital tools and platforms such as mobile, online and api services within the Neste Marketing & Services business unit.

Reasons to join

Real impact right now. We work in an inspiring and evolving business environment, where everything we do serves one purpose: to create a healthier planet for our children. To drive a growing impact as a global leader in renewable and circular solutions we live by our values every day; we care, we have courage, we cooperate.

Safety and caring. We value safety always and everywhere. We want our work to feel good and do good. At Neste, we nurture a culture where everyone is welcome and feels safe, respected and encouraged to be their unique true selves.

Exciting growth. Transformation brings new possibilities and fosters our courage and curiosity. As a global growing company we support personal development with versatile learning and career opportunities. Collaboration is the key, and we believe in flexible, smart ways of working.

In addition, our benefits for employees in Finland include, for example, a personnel fund as part of the overall remuneration, good occupational health care, and an extensive membership in a sickness or health insurance fund. We also support leisure time activities, e.g. by offering benefits for sports and culture.

Your role in our team

– Be a technical leader who crafts and upholds the technical vision of our platforms, driving innovation
– Collaborate closely with developers, product owners, IT architects and other stakeholders
– Lead architecture design to support our growing app now and in the future
– Drive efficiency, maintainability, clarity and change
– Mentor and coach the team of developers and also do some hands-on coding yourself
– Improve ways of working by bringing in process changes, new tools and solutions

The best combination to success in this role

– Proven experience in developing scalable applications, particularly back-end systems and .NET
– Proficiency with cloud environments like Azure, coupled with a solid understanding of databases and APIs
– A degree in computer science or other suitable field along with excellent communication and networking skills
– The ability to marry business objectives with technical solutions, maximizing value and impact
– Curiosity to find new tools and technologies in order to create even better products
– Proficiency in written and spoken English

We also value

– Proficiency in Finnish
– Experience with Android (Kotlin) or iOS (Swift) projects
– Familiarity with e-commerce and online payments
– Strong articulation skills, capable of conveying plans and actions effectively
– A collaborative spirit, able to work both independently and alongside internal teams and external partners
– Experience or willingness to work in an international context

What we offer you

– A functioning and mature international team
– The chance to independently lead the technical direction of the team
– The opportunity to contribute to the transformation journey of a successful company making a meaningful impact
– Collaboration with a diverse range of professionals across various departments, fostering growth and learning
– Flexible working hours and remote work options empowering you to balance work and life

We look forward to receiving your CV and application with a salary request by June 18, 2024 at the latest. Please note that we will start reviewing the applications already during the application period so we encourage you to apply as soon as possible.

If you have any questions regarding the process or the position, please get in touch with Dennis Stolt, Head of Digitalization, tel. +358 (0)50 458 0651 on May 27 at 14-15, May 29 at 13-14 and June 12 at 12-13 (EET).

The recruitment process will include interviews and a possible aptitude assessment. The person selected for the position must pass a health examination including a drug test. A security clearance is obtained with your consent.


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