Senior Frontend Developer

Päivitetty: Validointi: Perttu Tolvanen

Yritys: Ritchie Bros

Paikkakunta: Helsinki

Palkka: 4 000–5 000 € / kk

Tyyppi: Ohjelmistokehitys - front end

Viim. hakupäivä: 30.3.2025

As a Senior Frontend Developer, you will join the Helsinki-based engineering office and work in a smaller, dedicated team focusing on one of the Rbauction domains.

Your team will consist of a few other software engineers, a QA engineer, and an Engineering Manager, and the team’s main objective is to modernize and build the dedicated product domain and collaborate with US-based project teams.

In this role, you will be responsible for technical and architectural execution within the team, participate in implementing the full-stack web experience, and leverage the best development practices.

You’ll champion code and architectural quality, and implement strategies to safely and reliably make changes to production when needed. You will identify risks, resolve performance and scalability issues, and collaborate closely with the UX/UI department, designers, product managers, developers, and other internal stakeholders to deliver compelling and efficient products.

The main focus in your role is on the frontend development, but you and the whole team will contribute to the complete full-stack functionality of the Rbauction website.

In addition to the technical aspect of the role, we hope you are willing to partner up with the Engineering Manager to participate in coaching and training the team of developers while fostering Ritchie Bros’ exceptional company culture.

In short, your main responsibilities include, but are not limited to the following:
– Working within your product team to develop a sustainable, performant, and well-designed suite of products that meet RB Global technical standards
– Drive the adoption of designs and assist others to meet technical and business goals
– Develop and publish new technical standards across the organization and drive the adoption of those standards
– Build skillsets within the team through partnership with team managers and leads and assure team members have the skills and tools necessary to achieve their mission

What makes you a great fit?

This could be a perfect opportunity for a software professional now wanting to take the next step into a senior role, as we do not require prior experience in managerial or lead roles. However, we highly value strong motivation to coach and motivate others in software development and willingness to continuously improve the way the team works.

We hope you are proficient in software development with at least 4 years of professional experience, and solid skills in frontend development with React and Next.js. Prior experience in frontend development is not mandatory but is considered a bonus.

The auction software is built with the following technologies and frameworks, but we don’t expect you to have experience with all of them: Java, Java Spring Boot, Jacoco, Next.js, React, Nx, Jest, CircleCI, Playwright, Helm, Kubernetes (EKS), CodeClimate, Snyk, GitHub, Spotbugs, Vault, AWS, OpenSearch, DynamoDB.

– Ritchie Bros offers you:
Possibility to join a global and financially stable organization that has the benefits of a smaller company, while providing stability and career development opportunities
– A key role in the transformation and modernization of the auction website, supported by experienced colleagues – in this role, you’ll have an actual impact on the result
– Company culture that fosters coaching and mentoring, and emphasizes the importance of well-led development teams
– Comfortable working community – People at Ritchie Bros are highly engaged and long careers speak for themselves
– Great office location in the heart of Helsinki, but flexibility for remote work too
– Fringe benefits such as lunch and sports & culture benefit
– An annual bonus of up to 7,5 % of the yearly salary

We hope you have:
– Relevant degree in computer science, information systems, software engineering or equivalent
– Minimum of 4 years of experience in software development, ideally focusing on web-based fullstack or frontend development
– Solid technical background in React and Next.js
– Supportive approach to teamwork and willingness to coach others
– Strong communication and problem-solving skills combined with an ability to work in a multicultural team
– Full professional proficiency in spoken and written English.

We consider as an asset:
– Previous experience in backend development with Java and/or Spring Boot


In this full-time and permanent position, you will be employed directly by Ritchie Bros. The start time in the role is as soon as possible. Ritchie Bros has an office in the heart of Helsinki, and we hope you are willing to visit the Helsinki office on a weekly basis to meet your team and colleagues. As you will be working with the US-based teams and projects, we hope you have the flexibility to participate in meetings at around 5-7 pm Finnish time when needed.

The base salary in this position ranges between 4500-5000 €/month depending on your experience and will be negotiated individually.

Excited about this opportunity? Let’s get things going!

Please submit your CV in PDF format or share your LinkedIn profile by the end of Sunday 30th of March via aTalent’s application system. A motivation letter is optional, but with a role-specific motivation letter, you can stand out by providing more information about your relevant skills and why this would be the next career step for you. You are welcome to mention your salary request and preferred starting date in your application documents. Please note that we do not process applications by email.

We are actively reviewing applications throughout the application period and processing them in the order they are received. The application will be closed once all the positions are filled.

For more information about Ritchie Bros please visit their website ;

For more information about the position and the recruitment process please contact aTalent’s Senior Talent Sourcing Consultant Meri Mattila (+358 400 822 158, meri.mattila[at]

Julkaistu vuodesta 2006. Vierityspalkki on blogi verkkopalveluiden kehityksestä, internetin teknologioista ja alan toimistoista. Seuraa, niin tiedät miten ja kenen toimesta syntyvät parhaat verkkopalvelut, verkkokaupat ja räätälöidyt web-sovellukset. Uutiskirjeellä on jo yli 1100 tilaajaa.

Tilaa uutiskirje.

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Tilaa kuukausikirje

Kerran kuukaudessa ilmestyvä uutiskirje koostaa artikkelit, julkaisut, työpaikat ja linkkivinkit. Kirjeellä on jo yli 1100 tilaajaa.
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