Senior Front End Developer

Päivitetty: Validointi: Perttu Tolvanen

Yritys: Posti Oyj

Paikkakunta: Helsinki

Palkka: Riippuu hakijasta

Tyyppi: Ohjelmistokehitys - front end

Viim. hakupäivä: 23.2.2025 Haku on päättynyt

Our customer Posti is now looking for a Senior Front End Developer to join their OmaPosti Pro -team to work in an adapted Scrum Framework with amazing colleagues and top-notch technologies.

OmaPosti Pro is the most convenient service for creating shipments and address labels. You can also track shipments and view reports and invoicing information. You can directly be in touch with Posti’s customer service via chat or message, any time.

The role: Posti is looking for someone with a strong background in developing high quality Front End / Full Stack -solutions. As a software developer, you will be working closely with product owners and domain owners, a step beyond a single team. Posti has millions of registered users and even more parcels, making the scale of the software both challenging and exciting. The complexity and the volume are creating an interesting challenge to anyone, as simultaneously you want to create a modern product for end customers that is easy to use.

”Posti offers a very modern working environment. What drives me the most, beyond seeing our teams succeed and enjoy their work, is the opportunity to work with the latest technologies. ” – Goran Gjorgievski, Head of Software Development


– 6+ years of relevant Front End / Full Stack development experience
– You have proven knowledge of working with React & TypeScript. Experience with CI/CD (e.g. GitHub actions and basic AWS) are considered as an asset
– You have worked with distributed systems with complex products that have large numbers of users
– You are familiar with software architecture
– You are familiar with distributed design knowledge
– You have experience from the multi-cultural surroundings and teams
– You have software development life cycle experience, from requirements gathering to development, building, testing, deploying, security, and maintenance


– You have domain knowledge of logistics or warehousing industry
– Fullstack experience with tech such as AWS, Cypress, Jest, Python, Kafka are seen as an asset
– Experience working with Microfrontends and Webpack Module Federation

Why should you join Posti?

You will have the opportunity to focus on software development in one of Finland’s largest companies. Posti employs around 17,000 people in the Nordic and Baltic countries, and the operations impact the daily lives of millions of people.

You will have an excellent opportunity to develop your career and skills through diverse tasks, development projects, and training programs. All managers undergo Caring Leader training as every employee at Posti deserves caring leadership. Also, Posti is constantly and purposefully creating development opportunities and career plans for employees. Within the enormous Tech Hub, you will be supported in finding the most suitable track for you, whether you want to be Developer, Leader or Manager.

Posti’s main office is currently located in Ilmala, Helsinki (will be transferred to central Helsinki in 2025; ). Posti is working in a hybrid model, both in the Helsinki office and remotely.

In addition, Posti offers some great benefits for their employees:

– Annual bonus opportunities
– Comprehensive occupational healthcare through Mehiläinen
– ePassi benefits for culture, sports, and commuting, an excellent gym and group exercise classes at Ilmala office, and lunch at discounted staff rate
– Events organized by the Posti Group’s occupational wellbeing foundation (e.g. concerts, sports events)

The process:

If you consider this being your next career move, please leave your application by 23.02.2025. All candidates will be contacted before March. We will fill the position as soon as we find the right candidate, so we hope to hear from you soon. The recruitment is carried out in collaboration between Posti and Talented.

Julkaistu vuodesta 2006. Vierityspalkki on blogi verkkopalveluiden kehityksestä, internetin teknologioista ja alan toimistoista. Seuraa, niin tiedät miten ja kenen toimesta syntyvät parhaat verkkopalvelut, verkkokaupat ja räätälöidyt web-sovellukset. Uutiskirjeellä on jo yli 1100 tilaajaa.

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