React Native Developer, K-ruoka mobile app

Päivitetty: Validointi: Perttu Tolvanen

Yritys: Kesko

Paikkakunta: Helsinki

Palkkataso: Riippuu hakijasta

Tyyppi: Ohjelmistokehitys - back end, Ohjelmistokehitys - front end

Viim. hakupäivä: 1.3.2024 Haku on päättynyt

K-Ruoka digital dev team is agile software development team fulfilling business needs by developing fronts and microservice capabilities. We are DEVOPS team and run our own platform in the cloud. Mobile development is done in a dedicated team with tight collaboration with other K-Ruoka ecosystem development teams.

As a Mobile developer, you will be participating all phases of development and operations. Therefore we expect you to be able to develop micro-services and bring advanced React native knowledge to this team.

You will be working closely with designers and business stakeholders and together you take part in creating the best possible shopping experience for our customers. This role offers you a great possibility to directly influence Finnish day to day lives and possibility to create and take ownership of long term technical vision.

We are currently working with the following stack: React Native, NodeJS, Typescript, AWS

Why join us?
– You’ll be working on business-critical platforms and your work really matters: the input you provide can affect the daily shopping experience of our customers (and there are millions of them, by the way!).
– You have a great chance to work with the pioneer of modern grocery and wholesale trade.
– You get a broad view of the rapidly developing commerce and trade sector.
– Become part of community of expert colleagues, who are ready to support each other when you need it.

What else we offer
– For office days – modern office with several accommodations (e.g., collaboration and break areas throughout the office, gym, health care services, restaurant and cafeteria…) along good connections in Kalasatama, Helsinki.
– Modern work tools and numerous opportunities to learn and network as a future professional.
– Extensive employee benefits unique to the K group. These include, among others: Culture & sport benefit (ePassi), shopping benefits that apply in K-Group stores and staff shops (Citymarket, K – Supermarket & K Market, K-Rauta, Intersport, Budgetsport), own occupational health care services and leisure time accident insurance. You are also entitled to a car benefit according to our company policy.

At K Group we have a dynamic work community that focuses on well-being at work. For example, we provide several opportunities for growth: training, e-learning courses, and other opportunities for professional development and career growth. We also Support work-life balance and encourage a positive work culture that promotes open communication, teamwork, and collaboration.

To succeed in this role, we believe that you…

– Are an experienced development professional, and you understand the importance of business-oriented end-to-end processes. You actively work towards common goals, and you are not afraid to bring out new perspectives. You are proactive in your communication style and get excited about creating something new and implementing change.
– good understanding of modern web development and mobile development
– +5 years of professional cloud based development, including NodeJS and Typescript
– +3 years of professional mobile development with focus on React Native development
– great teamwork skills
– passion for technology and continuous learning
– ability to lift up any task: test automation, A/B testing etc.

Your skills and background:
– working proficiency in English
– degree in engineering, IT-, software- or web development
– EU visa/work permit in place.

Next steps

The application period ends on 1.3.2024, but we will process applicants already during the application period. The work on the task starts as soon as a suitable person is found. All candidates will be informed within couple weeks after the application period has ended. Applicants are required to take a drug test before an employment relationship can be established.

If you want to know more about team practices, you can call to Product Owner Olli Siitonen, tel + Monday to Tuesday from 15 to 16 or IT Head Sanna Toivanen +358 50 3890212 Monday to Tuesday from 16 to 17.

Please submit your CV via the apply -link – we’d love to hear your salary expectations as well.


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