Platform Owner, eCommerce

Päivitetty: Validointi: Perttu Tolvanen

Yritys: Hiab

Paikkakunta: Helsinki

Palkkataso: Riippuu hakijasta

Tyyppi: Digipalvelun kehityksen johtaminen (esim. tuoteomistajana tai projektipäällikkönä)

Viim. hakupäivä: 3.5.2024 3 päivää jäljellä

We are looking for a passionate and dedicated individual to join our world-renowned team as a Platform Owner, eCommerce.

In this position, you will own the eCommerce platform (Episerver) and the related end-to-end solution integrating with Inriver PIM, Paymetrics, i3 search engine, Salesforce,
SAP, and equipment spare parts catalogues.

You will be the eCommerce platform owner who manages the current solution together with Business Solution Owner and drives the development activities focusing on features that will increase sales and webshop utilisation, improve user experience and enable new features that will lift-up the usability and engagement. Also, in this position you are the key contributor for Hiab future eCommerce solution.

This is an incredibly exciting time at Hiab and this role will give you the opportunity to be at the front line – you’ll be making a direct impact on our customers’ experience every day!

The position offers two possible locations- Finland/ Sweden and reports directly to the Architect, Sales & Services.

Main tasks and responsibilities

– Responsible for technical aspects of the overall e-commerce solution and related infrastructure
– Provide guidance and solution outlines that support business and technical needs
– Support business stakeholders with solution development roadmap
– Ensuring the platform is scalable and development activities are in line with overall Hiab IM architecture.
– Responsible to set quality and delivery timeline expectations
– Monitor technical standard of work delivered by partners
– Perform gap analysis & target states
– Critically and constantly review webshop capabilities and technologies.

What you’ll need to succeed


– A relevant university degree. (A Master’s or Bachelor’s degree in computer science or related field would be considered as an advantage.

Experience /Competencies:

– 3-5 years of experience in eCommerce business, B2B or B2C
– Experience in application development and product data management
– Strong technical and Agile skills
– Coding skills (.NET) (considered as asset), knowledge of Devops & continuous integration
– E-Commerce and CMS knowledge, experience with EpiServer (Optimizely) and Inriver PIM
– Experience with Salesforce CRM and Marketing Cloud considered an asset
– Readiness to travel as some travelling will be required in this role.

You will be part of

We offer you a position in a global organisation where you are challenged with interesting and diverse tasks. These tasks will provide a great opportunity for you to grow professionally.

We offer a competitive salary and comprehensive benefits package geared to boost health and wellbeing

– All our employees are offered comprehensive Learning & Development opportunities, annual development plan and career progression opportunities
– In most of our positions, you have flexible working hours and hybrid work (combination of remote work and on-site work)
– At Cargotec, you will join a truly international working environment and support making global trade faster, smarter, and more sustainable – smarter cargo flow for a better everyday.

Interested to join?

If you are excited about this opportunity, please submit your application by 03.05.2024

For further information please contact Mikko Säynäväjärvi, Architect, Sales & Services by phone at +358401775001

Please note that the interview process may begin before the closing date of the job posting.

Please also note that the recruitment process for this position is coordinated by our HR team part of Cargotec Business Services based in Bulgaria.


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