Online Sales Manager

Päivitetty: Validointi: Perttu Tolvanen

Yritys: Partioaitta

Paikkakunta: Helsinki

Palkkataso: Riippuu hakijasta

Tyyppi: Digitaalinen markkinointi, Verkkokauppa ja myynti verkossa

Viim. hakupäivä: 28.5.2023 Haku on päättynyt

Partioaitta is now looking for an Online Sales Manager to lead our online sales and conversion work and set a clear strategy for customer journey, growth and to continuously develop our online offering along with the remaining e-commerce and marketing teams.

As Online Sales Manager at Partioaitta, you will report directly to the Nordic Head of E-commerce and be part of our management team. You will be responsible for human resources for currently 3 employees and ensure that we are constantly at the forefront of sales on our site The workplace is located in Haaga, Helsinki.


– Part of Partioaitta management team and strategic work

– Drive conversions and sales through online optimizations and merchandizing

– Plan, manage, lead and develop the work of the ecom/online team at Partioaitta

– Secure that the digital campaigns are of the highest quality by ensuring the customer journey through optimized navigation and that the content are presented correctly and in an inspiring way.

– Continuous monitoring, analysis and reporting of digital traffic, sales and other relevant KPIs

– Follow up weekly sales and make appropriate actions together with other departments


– Site and sales responsibility for

– Online merchandising (start page, banners, recommendations, campaigns, landing sites, cross- &, up-sale etc.)

– Analyze and follow up on traffic, products, categories etc.

– Reporting and actions on traffic and sales analyze based on Google analytics and other BI systems

– Conversion rate optimization and executing on A&B testing

– SEO optimization – content and technical

– Lead and develop the work of the online team


– An employer with sustainability in its DNA.

– An agile team and an open work community, where respecting and listening to colleagues are part of our operating methods.

– An international group, which offers opportunities to progress.

– A nice working community and interesting work in a successful group.

– Purposeful work, since we inspire people to go outside and thus feel good.


If you recognize yourself in the description above, we definitely want to hear more from you! Please apply for the position by May 28th, 2023. We go through the applications during the process and will fill the position when a suitable candidate is found. Please note, that we manage the recruitment with a third party, so by applying for a position you give your consent for this party to view your application and information.
Inquiries by email to hiring manager Joakim Dymling


Julkaistu vuodesta 2006. Vierityspalkki on blogi kotimaisen internet-alan trendeistä, teknologioista ja alan toimistoista. Seuraa, niin tiedät miten ja kenen toimesta syntyvät parhaat verkkopalvelut, verkkokaupat ja räätälöidyt web-sovellukset.
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