Marketing Technology & Growth Consultant

Päivitetty: Validointi: Perttu Tolvanen

Yritys: Columbia Road

Paikkakunta: Helsinki tai Tampere

Palkkataso: Riippuu hakijasta

Tyyppi: Digitaalinen markkinointi

Viim. hakupäivä: 6.10.2023 Haku on päättynyt

At Columbia Road, we believe that marketing and sales should be a joint effort. Marketing is not an add-on, it’s at the core of digital sales and business growth. As a Marketing Technology & Growth consultant, you will have a key role in helping our customers grow their businesses.

In practice, your client work can consist of e.g:

– Being a trusted advisor for your clients in defining digital sales and marketing strategies and turning them into concrete actions
– Helping your client develop and put into action new operative models, such as an experiment/growth hacking culture
– Designing your client’s marketing technology architecture and creating a roadmap for its implementation
– Finding the best technical solution for your client’s customer data needs
– Turning complex customer data into business insights and value
– Acting as a business or growth owner with hands-on implementation and operation of MarTech solutions
– Recognizing customer needs and business cases for digital service or technology development

You’ll work in cross-competence teams consisting of client stakeholders, your Roadie colleagues and potential third party experts. In some instances you may also work independently with a client, but never without the support of our community.

Working right at the heart of solving business challenges will offer you extensive learning opportunities that will broaden your understanding of customer needs and business problems in various industries. You get to work with ambitious clients from various industries and help them on their digital sales transformation journey, building long term client relationships in the process. You’ll also have the opportunity to share your knowledge with other Roadies as a mentor or simply by hosting lessons learned sessions.

All client teams have wide latitude to choose the best tools and ways of working for themselves and the people in the client organisation. This also means that as Roadies, we are flexible with our roles, jumping effortlessly from C-level budgeting discussions to creating customer activation campaigns. Above all, we are people with a can-do attitude and endless curiosity for helping our clients #sellbetter.


Skills and experience we expect you to have:

– A holistic understanding of digital sales and marketing, business strategy, e-commerce and data in both B2B and B2C context.
– Ability to quickly identify business challenges and opportunities, and create an actionable plan for solving them.
– Ability to communicate clearly about complex issues to key decision makers as well as to technical teams.
– Understanding the dynamics of budgeting & business decisions in organisations.
– Interest in web technologies and understanding the technical side of tools.
– Excellent understanding of the different areas of marketing technology and extensive hands-on expertise in one or two of them. Examples of focus areas include e.g. Marketing Automation, CRM, Analytics, SEO, Digital Advertising and eCommerce.
– A proven track record of project management skills and creating measurable business impact.
– Previous consulting experience is highly valued, but not required.

To succeed in this role, you’ll need working proficiency in Finnish and English

The mindset that will make you successful in this role:

– Analytical and curious mindset, ability to see outside the box
– Interest in doing both strategic planning and hands-on work
– Genuine willingness to help, support and learn from your colleagues and clients

Make sure you showcase your experience and knowledge as clearly as possible in your application. We value examples and results from previous projects, and we’d love to know what concrete tools you used to get those results.

Recruitment process

During the recruitment process we get to know who you are and what motivates you. You will learn more about Columbia Road and get to meet different people from our company. We hope to hear from you soon!


– A community-led organisation with a high level of autonomy
– As a Columbia Road employee, you have the option to buy stocks of the company through the common employee share program
– A yearly bonus based on company performance (equal to all full-time Roadies)
– Recurring training and learning sessions to support your professional growth
– A diverse, equitable, and inclusive workplace
– Offices in downtown Helsinki (with gym and pool) and Tampere
– Pick the laptop, phone, and digital tools of your choosing
– Extensive health care services, including dental and mental health
– Insurance for travel and free-time
– Lunch benefit
– Phone benefit
– Weekly breakfasts and healthy daily refreshments
– Flexible vouchers for sports, culture, commuting, and massage
– Option to have housing as a part of total compensation
– Option to have a bicycle salary alternative as a part of total compensation
– Recurring Roadie-ideated events and activities
– Childcare services when your child falls ill
– A possibility to book the office for private events during the weekends with cleaning service included
– Compensation for working on open source or social programs in your free time

Columbia Road is a part of the Futurice family of companies.


Julkaistu vuodesta 2006. Vierityspalkki on blogi kotimaisen internet-alan trendeistä, teknologioista ja alan toimistoista. Seuraa, niin tiedät miten ja kenen toimesta syntyvät parhaat verkkopalvelut, verkkokaupat ja räätälöidyt web-sovellukset.
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  • 1100+ asiantuntija-artikkelia.

    Toimitettua asiasisältöä kattavasti teknologioista ja web-alan ilmiöistä. Vierityspalkki nostaa esiin alan puheenaiheita ja tuoretta tutkimustietoa, osallistuu keskusteluun sekä haastattelee alan asiantuntijoita ja toimistoja.

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    on päässyt aina ajantasaiselle Toimistot-listalle. Lista on auttanut asiakkaita löytämään kokeneita digitoimistokumppaneita jo usean vuoden ajan. Lista keskittyy WordPress-osaajiin ja räätälöityjen web-sovellusten tekijöihin.

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Kerran kuukaudessa ilmestyvä uutiskirje koostaa artikkelit, julkaisut, työpaikat ja linkkivinkit. Kirjeellä on jo yli 1000 tilaajaa.
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