Head of Digital Journeys & Performance

Päivitetty: Validointi: Perttu Tolvanen

Yritys: Danske Bank Finland

Paikkakunta: Helsinki

Palkkataso: Riippuu hakijasta

Tyyppi: Digipalvelun kehityksen johtaminen (esim. tuoteomistajana tai projektipäällikkönä), Digitaalinen markkinointi

Viim. hakupäivä: 26.2.2024 Haku on päättynyt

Leading team of specialists in paid media, web, SEO and commercial design

In Danske Bank Finland, we are seeking for an experienced leader with digital marketing experience to join our team in Helsinki. As a Head of Digital journeys and performance, you will be growing and leading a team of professionals whose responsibilities vary from always-on activities, web journeys, SEO/SEM as well as designers to ensure CX and commercial outcome.

Your main responsibilities include:

– Be responsible for driving the digital sales agenda and ways of working. Keep building on a setup for lead generation and conversions in lending, investment and daily banking areas for personal customers.
– Owning of danskebank.fi homepage channel and leading the improvements related to it driving customer experience and commercialization.
– Make sure we have the right platform setup and the best team, agencies and tools to run and develop our digital marketing/sales channel to meet out commercial goals.
– Follow up on, and improve, our routines for optimization and AB testing (both in paid media and web).
– Use data-driven insights and campaign performance to identify trends and inform future areas for improvement.

“Best part of the daily work is to support the development of team members and the commercial community in cross-team collaboration. I hope that our new colleague enjoys creating a collaborative environment that encourages innovation and high performance”

Highlights Johanna, your upcoming leader.

Desire and ability to achieve results in commercial customer journeys

We wish to find a highly motivated individual who has insight to challenge and develop the ways we do things in Danske Bank. That asks for a deep knowledge of value creation and commercial capabilities. We also think that it requires the ability to innovate and convert data into concrete results. We see that our new colleague has high interested working in banking and financial sector.

The ideal candidate has:

– Relevant university level education, for example, in marketing, digital sales, digital consultancy or business development.
– Background in ecommerce, preferably multi-touchpoint journeys and B2C/B2B lead generation.
– Good technical knowledge of the paid media landscape, i.e. how to get the most out of platforms as Google ads, Meta, display ad platforms etc.
– Knowledge of how to run a well performing website, i.e. SEO, CRO and content management.
– Experience in customer experience, business or service design and using written content and visuals to engage the customer in their buying journeys.
– Proficiency both in Finnish (mother tongue expected) and in English.
– Experience in leading and managing teams, with the ability to inspire, motivate and develop talent.

Work life with us

“Tässä työssä parasta on se, että saa tehdä töitä erilaisten kollegoiden kanssa sekä näkee konkreettisesti viestit ja neuvot, joita asiakkaiden tauloudellisen mielenrauhan tuottamiseksi tehdään. Keskitymme tekemään asioita faktoihin perustuen ja niin että sillä on merkitystä.”

Tells your upcoming colleague, Joona Hakkarainen Head of Customer Portfolio, who has been in Danske Bank 14 years.

We offer you a great opportunity to join our transformational journey into number one in customers’ financial confidence. You will have a chance to make a difference in an independent role where you get to work with many experienced colleagues. At Danske Bank, you join a work community where we aim to ensure that everyone can develop in their work, be truly themselves, and work flexibly while strengthening their own well-being with valuable employee benefits.

You can read more about us as an employer at www.danskebank.com/careers .

Ready, set and apply!

We are waiting for your CV and cover letter by February 26, 2024.

For further information, you can contact Head of Commercial Excellence Finland Johanna Kronholm, +358 (0)40 738 7838 / johanna.kronholm@danskebank.fi . Don’t hesitate to contact Johanna on Feb 14th at 13-14 o’clock, if you have any questions.


About Us

Danske Bank is a Nordic bank with bridges to the world around us. For 150 years, we have supported people and businesses in releasing their potential. A career with us is an opportunity to join a community of 22,000 colleagues in a culture where we are committed to Teaming Up, Owning It and Being Open. Together, we are on a journey to transform Danske Bank into a better bank. For our customers, our employees and the societies around us.


Julkaistu vuodesta 2006. Vierityspalkki on blogi kotimaisen internet-alan trendeistä, teknologioista ja alan toimistoista. Seuraa, niin tiedät miten ja kenen toimesta syntyvät parhaat verkkopalvelut, verkkokaupat ja räätälöidyt web-sovellukset.
Lisätietoa blogista ja sen lukijoista.

  • 1100+ asiantuntija-artikkelia.

    Toimitettua asiasisältöä kattavasti teknologioista ja web-alan ilmiöistä. Vierityspalkki nostaa esiin alan puheenaiheita ja tuoretta tutkimustietoa, osallistuu keskusteluun sekä haastattelee alan asiantuntijoita ja toimistoja.

    Kaikki artikkelit

  • 1300+ digipalvelun referenssicasea.

    Julkaisut-palsta tarjoaa näkyvyyttä kiinnostaville uusille verkkopalveluille ja web-sovelluksille, ja antaa asiakkaille mahdollisuuden arvioida eri toimistojen osaamista.

    Selaa toimistojen julkaisuja

  • 1000+ aktiivista lukijaa blogin kuukausikirjeellä.

    Kerran kuukaudessa ilmestyvä kuukausikirje koostaa julkaistut artikkelit, uudet julkaisut, avoimet työpaikat ja ajankohtaiset linkkivinkit.

    Tilaa uutiskirje

  • 31 kokenutta digitoimistoa

    on päässyt aina ajantasaiselle Toimistot-listalle. Lista on auttanut asiakkaita löytämään kokeneita digitoimistokumppaneita jo usean vuoden ajan. Lista keskittyy WordPress-osaajiin ja räätälöityjen web-sovellusten tekijöihin.

    Selaa Toimistot-listaa

Tilaa kuukausikirje

Kerran kuukaudessa ilmestyvä uutiskirje koostaa artikkelit, julkaisut, työpaikat ja linkkivinkit. Kirjeellä on jo yli 1000 tilaajaa.
Huom. Sähköpostiosoitettasi ei luovuteta eteenpäin, eikä käytetä mihinkään muuhun tarkoitukseen – ihan oikeasti.

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