Full Stack Engineer (Javascript)

Päivitetty: Validointi: Perttu Tolvanen

Yritys: Wunder

Paikkakunta: Helsinki / Turku

Palkkataso: Riippuu hakijasta

Tyyppi: Ohjelmistokehitys - back end, Ohjelmistokehitys - front end

Viim. hakupäivä: 30.9.2022 Haku on päättynyt

Do you surf smoothly on the waves of complex technical concepts? Then land ahoy, set your course for Wunder!

This is not the first job ad you see, but we sincerely hope you would read this one – not only will you find out a lot about Wunder as a company, but at the end of this advert, there is an offer for you that includes coffee, snacks, and an office tour. And to be honest, this advert can de facto change the course of your career. This particular position requires the ability to communicate fluently in Finnish.

If you wish to work with vivid grown-ups willing to grow and learn, you enjoy building together for a common goal – innovating and implementing in order to create smooth digital solutions, Wunder could be your thing. No uniforms, no strict rules, come as you are! We celebrate diversity since this brings innovation and creativity.

At Wunder, you work for us, with us and in development teams on clients’ projects – we do not rent you to another company.

Are you a home office, company office, or hybrid person? Not that it would make any change for us, as “Work from where you want and when you want” is one of our mottos. We encourage people in multiple ways to make the most of our flexible work terms in order to maintain optimal work/free time -balance. But our offices in Helsinki, Turku, Tallinn, Riga and Valmiera are pretty awesome too – so you truly can choose whatever suits you best. A combination of Wunder’s offices and home office is now the most common way to work for the majority of us.

What we expect from you

We are looking for an experienced engineer with strong problem-solving skills and the ability to absorb complex technical concepts, especially around data and APIs. You will be working in agile teams, producing clean architecture and building solutions using maintainable code.

We expect 5+ years or corresponding overall development experience.

We expect you to communicate fluently in English (our internal working language) and to have full professional language proficiency in Finnish. We have offices in Finland, Estonia & Latvia (so awesome, if also familiar with Estonian or Latvian!)

What tech do we use

– Modern JS stack. Node.js, ES6+, Next.js, npm. We appreciate experience developing JavaScript in the backend and TypeScript knowledge.
– GraphQL. You are familiar with Apollo Server, and you could see yourself grasping fragments, federation and excited to learn frameworks like Dgraph.
– Drupal. We extensively use Drupal as our CMS, and MySQL (MariaDB). We value your experience with SQL and relational DBs, but PHP/Drupal knowledge is not a hard requirement for this position.

We don’t expect you to be familiar with every one of these technologies mentioned (seriously!). However, we are really looking for a growth mindset and perseverance in dealing with technical complexity.

Bonus points

– Experience leading and mentoring is very valued.
– We love ElasticSearch and empowering our clients with the best search experiences. Any knowledge in ES or related Lucene knowledge is a big plus.
– We don’t require studies in Computer Science, but if you have a solid foundation, make sure to mention it.
– You know what k8s stands for. To empower our developers, we use Kubernetes and CI in most of our projects. Check Wunder’s open-source Silta.

If you are ready to send us an application, just great, awesome and we can’t wait to get your message! Feel free to send it via email to joinus@wunder.io.

Include the following in your message:

– Preferred subject: Full Stack Engineer
– Freeform application, including:
– Salary expectation
– When you would be available
– CV
– Some sample code or other material that you think is representative of your work or link to your Github page.

Our recruitment process is as follows:

– Application & Review
– A cultural interview where we talk about what kind of company you want to work for
– A technical interview where you can talk tech
– Coding homework assignment
– Final interview

All interviews will currently be held in Zoom.

For further information, please contact: janne.koponen@wunder.io


Julkaistu vuodesta 2006. Vierityspalkki on blogi kotimaisen internet-alan trendeistä, teknologioista ja alan toimistoista. Seuraa, niin tiedät miten ja kenen toimesta syntyvät parhaat verkkopalvelut, verkkokaupat ja räätälöidyt web-sovellukset.
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