E-commerce developer

Päivitetty: Validointi: Perttu Tolvanen

Yritys: Musti Group

Paikkakunta: Helsinki tai Tukholma

Palkkataso: Riippuu hakijasta

Tyyppi: Ohjelmistokehitys - back end, Verkkokauppa ja myynti verkossa

Viim. hakupäivä: 18.2.2024 Haku on päättynyt

We at Clevry are looking for a Ecommerce Developer for Musti Group, located in their Helsinki or Stockholm office. The position is full-time and permanent, and you will be employed directly to Musti Group. The start date for the role is as soon as possible.

Musti Group is in an interesting phase of growing its ecosystem. In this role you will join Musti Group’s Ecom development team focusing on their ongoing transformation project. You will be working on their new eCom platform built using serverless framework, Typescript and React, and using jest as testing framework. You will be part of their multinational team of experienced developer.

This role is suitable for a person, who has minimum 3-5 years of working experience from web development in professional environment, work experience of suitable languages and frameworks and who is comfortable working with AWS serverless architecture. The person who we are looking for is proactive, efficient, precise and responsible worker, who is interested about new technologies and willing to learn new.

About Musti Group

Musti makes the life of pets and their owners easier, safer and more fun. We are the leading Nordic pet care company and we operate an omnichannel business model to cater for the needs of pets and their owners across Finland, Sweden and Norway. We offer a wide, curated assortment of pet products. We also provide pet care services such as grooming, training and veterinary services in selected locations.

Musti Group’s net sales were EUR 425,7 million in the financial year 2023. At the end of the financial year 2023, the company had 1,634 employees, and 342 stores. Read more: www.mustigroup.com .

Main tasks

· You will join Musti Group’s eCom development team focusing on our ongoing transformation project

· Work on their new eCom platform built using serverless framework, Typescript and React (Next.js) and using jest as testing framework

· Working as a part of their multinational team of experienced developers

We expect

· Relevant degree in software engineering, computer science or similar

· Minimum of 3-5 year of working experience from web development in professional environment

· Full-stack developer

· Working experience of following languages and frameworks: serverless framework, Typescript, React

· Comfortable working with AWS serverless architecture

· Experience in writing testable, functional code and working with test frameworks such as jest and/or playwright

· Fluent and comfortable working in English

· Working experience in agile teams and devops process

· As a person you are self-driven, have a can-do attitude and like working with people with diverse skillsets

We offer you

· An opportunity to shape future of eCom at Musti Group and leave a paw print to leading Nordic pet retailer’s services

· Active and experienced team with versatile technological backgrounds ready to boost your skills

· Flexible working hours and opportunity to work from home or from one of our offices. Your base location can be either Finland or Sweden.

· Note that there are often dogs in the office and therefore the work is not suitable for a person who is allergic to pets.

Apply now!

If you recognize yourself in this description, please apply for the position by February 18th , 2024 . However, we urge you to act quickly – we will proceed with potential candidates during the application period. For further information, please contact Recruitment Manager Jesse Saarenpää ( jesse.saarenpaa@clevry.com ).

After applying, you will be invited to complete our online personality and ability assessments. You can complete the assessments at your convenience and get back to them if you cannot complete all assessments at once. Depending on the role, completing the assessments will take approximately 30-75 minutes.

Please note that we cannot receive applications via email due to data privacy legislation. We handle all inquiries on behalf of our client.

Additional information about our recruitment process

At Clevry, we believe that rather than focusing solely on hard skills, the key to success is based on soft skills and the willpower to rise beyond expectations. Therefore, our recruitment process involves psychometric assessments that evaluate soft skills and cognitive abilities essential for each role. By assessing soft skills, we can help applicants describe their own strengths more effectively and find employment quicker and more easily.

The recruitment process also involves an interview with both Clevry and the client company, so you will get to know both as the recruitment process progresses.

Additional information about Clevry

For over 30 years we have been the change maker for a more soft skills driven working life within talent acquisition, assessments, and advisory. We operate globally with customers, consultants and candidates from North America to Singapore with headquarters in Brighton, Stockholm and Helsinki. At Clevry we have over 150 soft skills certified recruiters, business psychologists and experts at your service. We find the right candidate for the job, and the right job for the candidate!


Julkaistu vuodesta 2006. Vierityspalkki on blogi kotimaisen internet-alan trendeistä, teknologioista ja alan toimistoista. Seuraa, niin tiedät miten ja kenen toimesta syntyvät parhaat verkkopalvelut, verkkokaupat ja räätälöidyt web-sovellukset.
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