Digital Marketing Manager

Päivitetty: Validointi: Perttu Tolvanen

Yritys: UPM

Paikkakunta: Helsinki

Palkkataso: Riippuu hakijasta

Tyyppi: Digitaalinen markkinointi

Viim. hakupäivä: 2.4.2023 Haku on päättynyt

We are looking for an energetic and growth-driven Digital Marketing Manager to join the group level Communications & Brand team at UPM head office in Helsinki, Finland.

This team delivers competitive advantage to UPM through inspiring communications and brand experience. We also enable professional leadership communications and information sharing in UPM and drive the development of digital channels to enhance UPM brand and reach.

As the Digital Marketing Manager, you will be on driver’s seat in managing our digital marketing strategy, planning the campaign goals and tactics, and monitoring the success of our campaigns. You will also be a key player in developing data-driven marketing in UPM, supported by agency partners and experts in data and analytics.

Greetings from your future manager:

“Our team is passionate about engaging our audiences with inspiring actions and creative messaging. At the heart of our team is a commitment to excellence: we share our expertise to both group and business-related activities and work with a global network of colleagues to deliver results. In this position, you will get to showcase your skills and take them to the next level in a global growth company, driven by sustainable innovations and emerging new business opportunities. If you are a dynamic digital marketer with a passion for success, join us to make a difference! ” – Kristiina Jaaranen, Brand Director, UPM.

Your main tasks are

– Plan and execute digital marketing campaigns in close collaboration with agency partners and the colleagues in Communications & Brand team and UPM business areas
– Manage the paid media strategy and annual spend across marketing activities
– Use data and metrics to get results, set digital marketing KPIs and monitor the campaign performance
– Manage the analytics and reporting process for marketing campaigns and identify opportunities for continuous improvement
– Oversee the quality of campaign assets and the content and customer journeys
– Provide expertise in measuring marketing effectiveness and help develop marketing data management in UPM
– Monitor and share the digital marketing trends and competitive environment
– Showcase results and share best practices to facilitate learning and development

Who you are

– You have 5+ years of work experience in digital marketing
– You have a proven track record in running successful digital campaigns, managing digital media spend and optimising campaign performance
– You have experience and profound interest in measuring marketing effectiveness
– You have an excellent understanding of marketing technologies, experience in marketing automation is an advantage
– You have the capability to engage, activate and support a global network of colleagues in implementing best practices in digital marketing
– You have experience in collaborating with digital marketing and media agencies
– You know what it takes to grow brand awareness and thought leadership in international B2B environment
– You have structured and analytical thinking skills and excellent project management capabilities
– You are a team player with a curious mind and growth mindset
– You have a university degree in relevant field
– You have good communication skills in English and Finnish

This is what we offer for you

Meaningful job: We are proud of what we do. Our work highlights the expertise of our -personnel, the high quality of our products and the company’s values.

Inspired and motivated teams: We have highly skilled workforce. We are a multifaceted, international organisation that works as a team to achieve our shared objectives.

Development opportunities: With us you can build up your expertise. We provide opportunities to support your development throughout every stage of your career.

Responsibility for people and environment: Our ethical principles embrace people as well as the environment. We are always striving to build a more sustainable future
Additional information


Julkaistu vuodesta 2006. Vierityspalkki on blogi kotimaisen internet-alan trendeistä, teknologioista ja alan toimistoista. Seuraa, niin tiedät miten ja kenen toimesta syntyvät parhaat verkkopalvelut, verkkokaupat ja räätälöidyt web-sovellukset.
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