Digital Marketing Manager

Päivitetty: Validointi: Perttu Tolvanen

Yritys: Integrify

Paikkakunta: Helsinki

Palkkataso: Riippuu hakijasta

Tyyppi: Digitaalinen markkinointi

Viim. hakupäivä: 15.12.2023 Haku on päättynyt

Integrify is an international coding academy & tech company with a social mission at its heart. We recruit, train, & connect talented developers with tech teams looking to hire. Since 2016, we have upskilled over 1000+ international tech talents across Europe and helped them kick-start their future-proof careers. More than 150 organizations trust us and companies such as Tietoevry, Digia, & Fujitsu have hired developers through our programs.

Integrify was founded for the sole purpose of changing what’s next for people who deserve a shot at a better future through education. In essence, Integrify is removing barriers to enter into technology work and thus enabling people to flourish and build over generational social capital.

We’re not just another recruitment agency for our customers – Integrify provides a flexible and personalized approach to companies based in Finland. Our aim is to ensure that companies can rely on the quality of our tech talent and that they possess the necessary technical expertise to drive business forward.

About the role

We’re now looking for a Digital Marketing Manager to join the team to fill a fixed-term position covering a maternity leave expected to last until 31.12.2024.

As the Digital Marketing Manager, you will be leading our marketing function, and your main focus will be executing our B2B marketing efforts to generate B2B leads and help our B2B Sales team sell more efficiently. You will be reporting to our Head of Growth and you will work with a Digital Marketing Coordinator managing B2C efforts reporting to you.

Your responsibilities

– As we are a small team, we do most of our marketing in-house which will provide you with a unique opportunity to tap into various areas and build competences across the board. However, your primary scope of responsibilities will be connected to the following:
– Demand generation: organic social media content (copywriting and basic visual design) and web content creation (blog post/whitepaper copywriting)
– Lead generation: paid advertising in Google and LinkedIn (managing advertising campaigns, tracking and analyzing their performance, as well as managing advertising budget)
– Marketing x Sales collaboration: working closely with the sales team to ensure content relevancy, timely case study collection, and sales enablement implementation
– Data analysis and reporting: utilizing analytics tools to track and measure the performance of digital marketing campaigns; providing regular reports and insights on key performance indicators (KPIs) to demonstrate the impact of marketing efforts
– Email marketing and marketing automation: setting up and managing marketing automation campaigns in Pipedrive and/or Mailchimp to streamline B2B lead nurturing and engage with existing B2B customers
– Managing marketing function and supporting the Digital Marketing Coordinator
– Is this a great fit for you and are you the amazing new teammate we’re looking for?
– Multiple years of experience in B2B marketing in a variety of setups and companies
– Basic understanding of B2C marketing to be able to support Digital Marketing Coordinator
– 2+ years of solid experience in performance marketing: setting up and managing B2B and B2C advertising campaigns in Google, LinkedIn, and Meta
– Experience working with external marketing agencies
– Experience working with a budget is a plus
– Passion for data, hands-on work, and a genuine interest in demand generation and creating content
– Excellent copywriting, communication, and presentation skills
– Collaborative attitude and experience building relationships at all levels
– Results-driven and customer-oriented mindset with a demonstrated ability to meet and exceed lead-generation targets
– Flexibility and eagerness to lend a helping hand whenever necessary, since we are a small team
– Ability to work on-site to facilitate team collaboration (3 days/week)
– You are fluent in Finnish and English (Finnish is a must for this role as you are expected to write copy in Finnish independently)

What we offer?

– Opportunity to work in a fast-paced tech environment. Think of it as combining a startup atmosphere with meaningful social goals
– Further develop your marketing and managerial skills by leading the marketing function and collaborating with various teams and stakeholders
– Competitive salary
– Collaborate and build relationships with a bunch of amazing, ambitious, diverse, supportive, and caring people who all share the same mission
– Take part in various team activities such as team days, Friday Brekkies, after-work runs, and regular office parties as well as spontaneous Friday drinks
– A central downtown location in Kamppi


Julkaistu vuodesta 2006. Vierityspalkki on blogi kotimaisen internet-alan trendeistä, teknologioista ja alan toimistoista. Seuraa, niin tiedät miten ja kenen toimesta syntyvät parhaat verkkopalvelut, verkkokaupat ja räätälöidyt web-sovellukset.
Lisätietoa blogista ja sen lukijoista.

  • 1100+ asiantuntija-artikkelia.

    Toimitettua asiasisältöä kattavasti teknologioista ja web-alan ilmiöistä. Vierityspalkki nostaa esiin alan puheenaiheita ja tuoretta tutkimustietoa, osallistuu keskusteluun sekä haastattelee alan asiantuntijoita ja toimistoja.

    Kaikki artikkelit

  • 1300+ digipalvelun referenssicasea.

    Julkaisut-palsta tarjoaa näkyvyyttä kiinnostaville uusille verkkopalveluille ja web-sovelluksille, ja antaa asiakkaille mahdollisuuden arvioida eri toimistojen osaamista.

    Selaa toimistojen julkaisuja

  • 1000+ aktiivista lukijaa blogin kuukausikirjeellä.

    Kerran kuukaudessa ilmestyvä kuukausikirje koostaa julkaistut artikkelit, uudet julkaisut, avoimet työpaikat ja ajankohtaiset linkkivinkit.

    Tilaa uutiskirje

  • 31 kokenutta digitoimistoa

    on päässyt aina ajantasaiselle Toimistot-listalle. Lista on auttanut asiakkaita löytämään kokeneita digitoimistokumppaneita jo usean vuoden ajan. Lista keskittyy WordPress-osaajiin ja räätälöityjen web-sovellusten tekijöihin.

    Selaa Toimistot-listaa

Tilaa kuukausikirje

Kerran kuukaudessa ilmestyvä uutiskirje koostaa artikkelit, julkaisut, työpaikat ja linkkivinkit. Kirjeellä on jo yli 1000 tilaajaa.
Huom. Sähköpostiosoitettasi ei luovuteta eteenpäin, eikä käytetä mihinkään muuhun tarkoitukseen – ihan oikeasti.

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