Global Digital Marketing Manager

Päivitetty: Validointi: Perttu Tolvanen

Yritys: Fastems

Paikkakunta: Tampere

Palkkataso: Riippuu hakijasta

Tyyppi: Digitaalinen markkinointi, Web-ja data-analytiikka

Viim. hakupäivä: 26.2.2023 Haku on päättynyt

We are looking for a new GLOBAL DIGITAL MARKETING MANAGER to our marketing team

We’re looking for a tech-savvy, development-minded and result-oriented digital marketing manager to lead our digital marketing strategy, lead generation models and martech platforms. Our main markets consists of Europe, USA and China where marketing is in key role in reaching our strategic targets for order intake and our brand. We know who we want to target online – but we need a person that can realize that potential through an effective digital marketing portfolio.

You’d join a tech company in an accelerating industry with huge growth potential – and great people to work and have fun with. Our company culture can be summarized around our four growth principles:

– Focus on customers
– Help others to succeed
– Drive for results
– Foster curiosity

Sustainable manufacturing can only be built with intelligent automation solutions that create better jobs, support healthy economies, and make manufacturing profitable anywhere in the world. This position is a vantage point into the future because for us automation, sustainability and digitalization are not just fancy jargon in PowerPoints. We actually define and build them. That’s a really complicated job but luckily the level of fascination and fun is unbeatable, too.


If you got exited, let’s get into practice. Here would be your main areas of responsibility:

– Digital marketing strategy
– Lead generation models
– Campaign portfolio
– Analytics and goals
– Budgets and planning
– Customer journey modeling
– Conversion logics (awareness to MQL)
– Metrics in different stages
– Managing and leading digital channels relevant to Fastems
– Advanced Google marketing (Display, Youtube, SEM/SEO)
– Linkedin and Facebook campaigns
– Industry platform pages and ads
– Analytics, goals, and reporting (GA, HubSpot)
– Linking marketing strategic targets with campaign performance
– Campaign performance analysis in GA
– Lead gen reporting via GA and HubSpot
– Marketing automation platform (HubSpot)
– Technical ownership: workflows, forms, properties, integrations…
– Dashboards
– Emails:lists, templates & workflows
– User management and training
– Website technical ownership (WordPress)
– Website as a service: performance and conversion logics
– Website development backlog management

Location in Finland is necessary with preference to Tampere region. Our team’s everyday language is English, and we work in a hybrid mode from our Tampere headquarters. Minimum relevant experience of three years and bachelor’s degree or higher are expected.

Ok, this is interesting but who is Fastems?

Fastems provides high-end manufacturing systems, software and services globally, with the mission of helping metalworking manufacturers increase productivity. From automating a single machine tool to delivering a complete factory system, Fastems designs intelligent factory automation solutions for cutting-edge organizations in industries such as aerospace and production technology. We believe that a sustainable, strong and competitive manufacturing base can be achieved only by automation and digitalization. You can learn more about us from our website .

Fastems is a family-owned business with 40+ years of automation experience and there are over 500 of us globally, and we like to keep our ways of working agile. Our headquarters is located in Tampere, Finland.We believe in our unique company culture that serves as the key to our continuous renewal. At Fastems you’ll get to work with some of the brightest people in the industry, so every day is an opportunity to learn something new.For our sustainability initiative, look here .

Ready to rock the world of manufacturing?!

Send your CV and application letter with salary request using the link below. For more information, please contact Marketing Director Mikko Tuomaala at +358 50 4414236 or


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  • 29 kokenutta digitoimistoa

    on päässyt aina ajantasaiselle Toimistot-listalle. Lista on auttanut asiakkaita löytämään kokeneita digitoimistokumppaneita jo usean vuoden ajan. Lista keskittyy WordPress-osaajiin ja räätälöityjen web-sovellusten tekijöihin.

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